19 April 2024

Fondul Azil, Migrație și Integrare – apeluri COM FAMI

publicat 8 martie 2020 - editat 25 octombrie 2021

APELURICOM apeluri FAMI-IMFV-FSIFondul Azil, Migrație și Integrare 2014-2020IDEI # 651 afișări

O parte din sumele aferente Fondului azil, migrație și integrare este gestionată de Comisie (gestionare directă și indirectă) prin acțiuni ale Uniunii, care includ apeluri de propuneri, achiziții publice, acordări directe și acorduri de delegare.

Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund – Union actions in the field of asylumsite dedicat COM

Cum functionează?
Pentru acțiunile UE, Comisia aprobă programe de lucru anuale care definesc prioritățile și obiectivele pentru fiecare an, inclusiv prioritățile pentru cererile de propuneri.

Cum se aplică?
Aplicația pentru obținerea finanțării se completează și transmite online printr-un portal dedicat – Propunerile pot fi trimise numai electronic prin intermediul portalului dedicat.

COM publică anual lista proiectelor atribuite.

Prezentarea unor proiecte finanțate direct de COMAMIF factsheet compilation
Emergency assistance in order to increase the Swedish reception capacity HOME/2015/AMIF/AG/EMAS/0025
Cities integrating refugees and migrants through work – CITIES GROW HOME/2015/AMIF/AG/INTE/9073
Enhancing the integration of women, beneficiaries of international protection by development and implementation of multifaceted integration trainings – INTEGRA-TRAIN HOME/2015/AMIF/AG/INTE/9113
Women‘s empowerment, integration and participation – WEIP HOME/2015/AMIF/AG/INTE/9155
Strengthening of the national capacity of Republic of Bulgaria in the fields of asylum and migration HOME/2016/AMIF/AG/EMAS/0044
Ensuring and enhancing access to a fair and efficient asylum process in Greece HOME/2017/AMIF/AG/EMAS/0057
Labour market integration of migrants. A multi-stakeholder – LABOUR-INT HOME/2015/AMIF/AG/INTE/9085
Mobility Partnership Facility – MPF II AMIF/2017/MULT/DA/MPFII HOME/2014/MULT/IM/ICMP/0001
Transnational ACtion to support victims of Trafficking returning to priority countries – TACT HOME/2014/AMIF/AG/THB/01
Mobilising media and civil society actors to foster greater intercultural understanding between migrants and host communities in Europe – New Neighbours AMIF-2017-AG-INTE 821710
Telling the Real Story 2.0 – TRS-AVM AMIF-2017-AG-IBA-UNHC
Supporting and developing the asylum information database – AIDA AMIF-2017-AG-IBA-ECRE
Pre and Post – Arrival Schemes to facilitate inclusion and prevent xenophobia and radicalization – PandPAS AMIF-2016-AG-INTE 776029
Integration of third country nationals through urban partnerships – INTEGRA AMIF-2016-AG-INTE 776047
SHARE integration – A network of (small-size) cities, towns and local actors committed to offering protection and welcome for resettled or relocated refugees in Europe AMIF-2016-AG-INTE 776239
Supporting informed migration decisions in Niger HOME/2014/AMIF/AG/INFO/01
Forced return monitoring – FReM II HOME/2015/AMIF/AG/FRTM/8890
Innovative practices and joint urban initiatives to foster the integration of migrant women in the receiving society within urban agriculture practices – Urbagri4Women HOME/2015/AMIF/AG/INTE/9098
Migrant entrepreneurs supported by mentors – MENT HOME/2015/AMIF/AG/INTE/9167
Integrating migrant children at schools through artistic expression – ArtsTogether AMIF-2016-AG-INTE 776022
Access to services for migrants with disabilities – AMiD AMIF-2016-AG-INTE 776055
Specially unknown EU, cultural contributions of refugees to European cities – BMPEU AMIF-2016-AG-INTE 776091
Towards empowered migrant youth in Southern Europe – TandEM AMIF-2016-AG-INTE 776119
The Welcome Programme AMIF-2016-AG-INTE 776128
Promoting meaningful integration of third country national children to education – IntegratEd AMIF-2016-AG-INTE 776143
We all need new engagement – WANNE AMIF-2016-AG-INTE 776195
Migrant women empowerment and integration – WEMIN AMIF-2016-AG-INTE 776211
Volunteering for female migrants – SMART AMIF-2016-AG-INTE 776238

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